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*** ******* **** **
Westminster, MD *****
Unit Count
Sq. Ft.
Lot Size

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Do Not Disturb Occupants. Trespassing is a Criminal Offense
Cash for Keys Agreement in place on this property.

Questions or Want to Make an Offer?

For questions on how to purchase this property:

Ashton Kline

Phone: 3019059791

Email: [email protected]

Property Documents and Specs

Document Vault
Automated Value Estimate*** **** *** ******Aug 06, 2020
Lien and Title***** ******Mar 11, 2020
Appraisal******** *********Mar 01, 2008
Property Specifications
Property ID3533760-2
Property TypeCommercial
Asset Class
Cap Rate
Unit Count
Lot Size*.** Acre(s)
Square Footage*,*** sq. ft.
Year Built1999

Disclaimers and Additional Information: Properties are sold in “as is, where is” condition without warranties. Any contingencies are at the sole discretion of the Seller and will be outlined on the property details page. A Buyer's premium of 2% ($2,500 minimum) of the accepted offer will be added to the purchase price. You are NOT required to use Foundation CREF for financing the purchase, sale, or closing of the subject property. Offers financed through other lenders will be considered. Buyers seeking financing are responsible for determining qualifications prior to bidding or placing an offer. It is the Buyer's responsibility to independently verify all property information and inspect the property. Bids or offers must be submitted through this site. Email and fax bids or offers will not be considered. The property information and any photographs provided here are for reference only, and are not guaranteed to be accurate. An Earnest Money Deposit is required.