Loan Application

Subject Property Info and Loan Request

Sponsor / Guarantor Information

Guarantor Information is required for each member with at least 20% ownership in the Subject Property.

Sponsor / Guarantor

Add a Co-Sponsor/Guarantor

Co-Sponsor / Guarantor


Sponsor / Guarantor

Co-Sponsor / Guarantor

Employment Information

Sponsor / Guarantor

Co-Sponsor / Guarantor

Financial Statement

Borrower and Co-Borrower (if applicable) must provide Monthly Bank Statments for most recent two months (all pages including account number) and, if Lender deems necessary, copies of federal income tax returns for the past two years, as well as authorization for FOUNDATION CREF LLC to obtain tax transcripts directly from the IRS (Form 4506-T). Upon loan pre-approval, the borrower and Co-Borrower will receive additional instructions on how to complete this process.

Sponsor / Guarantor

Total Liquid Assets:
Liquid Assets for Underwriting: Note: Liquid Assets for UW = Cash/Whole Life @ 100% + Securities @ 70% + Retirement Funds @ 50% + AGI @ 10%
Total Liquidity Requirement: $0 Note: Total Cash Investment () + 6 Months of Payments ($0 * 6) + 10% of the Rehab Budget ($0 * .1) = Total Liquidity Requirement
Calculated Net Worth:

Co-Sponsor / Guarantor

Total Liquid Assets:
Liquid Assets for Underwriting:
Note: Liquid Assets for UW = Cash/Whole Life @ 100% + Securities @ 70% + Retirement Funds @ 50% + AGI @ 10%
Calculated Net Worth:

Borrowing Entity or Individual Information


Sponsor / Guarantor

Co-Sponsor / Guarantor