Hard Money Lender in Pennsylvania Have you been having trouble getting the financing you need to act quickly on acquiring a real estate investment property? Are you looking to expand the impact of your available equity to expand your real estate portfolio? Foundation CREF is a Hard Money lender that provides loans for real estate investors throughout Pennsylvania. These rehab loans that are often used by flippers are intended to enable you to act fast on acquiring a property in a competitive market. With our rates and response times, you are much more likely to find a profitable deal. We also can give you access to foreclosed properties that are perfect for investor acquisition. You can look at our Foundation Property Portal and see available properties in real time that are not listed on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service). Without access to off market listings, it can be especially difficult to find good deals in today’s market. Our Pennsylvania Hard Money Rates With off-market deal flow, easy-to-use analytical tools and the right capital partner, flipping properties in Pennsylvania can be straightforward and profitable. Get in touch with us today to find a property and get qualified for a hard money loan. Whether you are a first time flipper or a seasoned expert, join Foundation CREF to find your next real estate deal. No matter where in Pennsylvania you invest, Foundation is your ideal Hard Money lending partner. Call us today to get your hard money loan right away! Additional Resources:
Flipping Real Estate in PennsylvaniaGet a FREE No-Obligation Hard Money Loan Quote